Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Needless to say, we all have our dream jobs. Some of us think of a hefty salary, while others think of comfort and healthy relationship at work. Mind you, I belonged to the group who does hunger for a highly-paid job. I have worked my #&s out, landed from one company to another just to fill my bill. Well luckily, I had it - thanks to my undaunted patience and my Master's guidance.

Working for that company was a baptism of fire for me. I was so clueless of how things run there. I did not even know how to do my job. Funny, eh? Anyway it was frightful but challenging. Months passed and I became so overwhelmed by how things went on. I wanted to quit. But because of my new-found friends' support and advice, I continued my blind-folded journey with hopes that I could emerge from the dark pit that I was in.

Becoming a good employee is not learned overnight. It is an ongoing learning process with hindrances along the way. But once you do well in your task and develop a healthy relationship with your boss and workmates, it sure is the start of you becoming the best in your craft.

But what if your boss does not have the leadership, does not have empathy to his employees, and thinks of just saving his neck all the time? Who only listens to his self-centered comrades of higher ranks that treat ordinary company people like dirt? Sad but true. If you are with these people at work, chances are you will sooner face the pitfall of your career, thus leaving you battered just like what happened to me.


  1. this shows how u have matured as a professional, my friend. u know, some bosses really suck...even colleagues. yet, if u'r exemplary in whatever u do, i'm pretty sure they'll fuck themselves out of ur way.haha

    keep on working well!

  2. Ahaha..well..I like the way you said, it my friend.

  3. you pretty much spoke for all of us!! ;-)
